Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Seth Turns Two

I can't believe my baby is two. The big day was last Friday, February 20th. Look at that smile! That's his "camera grin". I have seen many pictures of myself as a little girl that look exactly like this one.

Seth's Mickey Mouse cake. Everything was Mickey Mouse!

Seth proudly showing off his balloons. He looks so tiny. It looks like he's going to float away holding all those balloons.

Surprisingly, he did a really good job of keeping his hands off all those presents until it was time to open them. I guess he was busy enough playing with friends and eating pizza, cake, and ice cream.

Happy Birthday, Seth!

Seth opening the Corduroy book and bear that Emily, Jon, and baby Nate him. Thanks, guys!

Seth opening his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He sat there and opened each present until every shred of wrapping paper was removed. Then, he seemed pleased all the paper was off and tossed the present aside!

The boys desperately needed some new bath toys (the other ones were becoming slimy and moldy!), so I found this rocket bath toy. Anything related to "Little Einsteins" is always a hit.

Ethan was having a difficult time with the fact that it was not his birthday again and he couldn't open all the presents. Well, when we saw how carefully and SLOWLY Seth was opening each of his gifts, we decided to let Ethan help out. Otherwise, we would have been sitting there all night. Let's just say Ethan opens gifts a little more aggressively and speedily.

Tim and Seth checking out the microphone on the keyboard. Once again, Tim loves playing with new toys as much as the boys. He seems to get bored with them a little sooner than the boys do though!!!

Seth's Birthday Presents

Seth loves rocket from "Little Einsteins", so I knew he would love this Radio Flyer rocket ride-on toy.

Another one of Seth's favorite shows is "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", so he got his very own clubhouse complete with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and the rest of the gang.

Seth saw this keyboard at Target one day and played with it the entire time we were shopping in the store. He was slightly ticked off when I made him return it to the shelf when it was time to leave the store, so I had to go back and get it for him for his birthday. His favorite part is singing and talking into the microphone, as you can tell. Do we have the next American Idol on our hands? I think so!

Thanks to our neighbor, Broedy, the boys have become obsessed with hockey, especially Seth. So, he finally got his very own hockey set.

Ethan likes playing with Legos, but they are a little too small for Seth to build with, so I got him some Mega Blocks. Much better.

Some people (you know who you are, Bruce!) gave us a hard time for getting our boys a kitchen, but they absolutley love it. My master plan is to get them to love cooking at a young age, so they can cook for me when they're teenagers and then cook for their wives one day. Can I get an amen?!

The Belgarde's got Seth Mr. Potato Head (they got him all the little spuds too-so cute!). The boys have made some interesting creations with all the different pieces.

We got Seth this fire truck because at Christmas the boys loved playing with their cousin Josiah's fire truck so much. Seth has actually barely touched it, but Ethan loves it. Go figure.

I was able to get Seth lots of books with the gift card that Granny sent to Barnes & Noble. I was so happy to get some new books, so I could stop reading all Ethan's birthday books 20 times a day. Finally, some new choices. Yeah!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yipee! Ethan is Three!

Ethan turned three on Tuesday, February 3rd. He had a Curious George birthday this year.

Ethan's Curious George cake. It was chocolate with Bavarian cream in the center and buttercream frosting. Yum!

Ethan's birthday balloons.

Look at all those presents! He isn't spoiled a bit!

Ethan showing off all his birthday decorations.

Seth loved the sunglasses and the little blow things. Does anyone know the technical name for those things?

Ethan ate a very large piece of cake and several scoops of ice cream. At 11:45 pm that night, I woke up and heard noises coming from downstairs. I went downstairs to find most of the lights on, all the new birthday toys covering the living room floor, and Ethan (naked, I'm not sure why!!!) playing with his toys. We blamed it on a sugar high from all the cake and ice cream he had eaten earlier.

Seth also had an interesting experience from his sugar high that night. He loved the little travel Doodle Pro so much that I snuck in his room and put it in his crib after he fell asleep, so he could play with it when he woke up in the morning. I woke up to the sound of him laughing and talking on the baby monitor. It was still dark outside, so I figured it was about 6:00 am (he sometimes wakes up that early). Nope, it was 4:02 am! He was wide awake drawing on the Doodle Pro having a grand old time. They always keep me on my toes. Imagine the stunts they are going to pull when they're teenagers!

Happy Birthday, Ethan!

These pictures are all of Ethan opening presents. He seems pretty excited about the Black & Decker tools he got.

Broedy, Ethan, and Seth opening presents. Broedy did a good job of passing out the gifts and helping Ethan get some of the tricky ones open. Seth also helped open a few. Ethan had so many presents, we figured he wouldn't miss opening just a couple. This is the awesome CAT dump truck that the Belgarde's got him.

Ethan digging into one of the bags.

Seth writing on the Doodle Pro.

Tim looking at the Handy Manny viewfinder.

Bruce and the boys playing with some Diego toys.

Ethan's Birthday Presents

The John Deere Gator is a birthday present to both Ethan AND Seth from Mimi and Mambo. Since Ethan's birthday is first we decided to give it to them on his birthday, which may have been a mistake because when asked whose Gator it is, Ethan firmly says, "Mine!" Luckily, Seth doesn't like to drive it yet, so he's content to sit in the passenger seat and let Ethan be in control.

We cheated and gave this to the boys last weekend (a few days before Ethan's actual birthday) because the weather was nice and we wanted to give them a chance to ride it before it got really cold again. They barely got off the thing all weekend. Tim says it is "the coolest gift ever". I think he's jealous that he doesn't have one too!

Ethan got quite a lot of Diego toys. The boys are both going through a Diego phase right now. Oh, the sunglasses are Diego sunglasses too.

Ethan got lots of great books thanks to Granny and Gramps who sent a Barnes and Noble gift card among other things. I've had to read each of these books ten times a day and that's not much of an exaggeration.

This is a 2 in 1 arcarde game from Disney. It has skeeball and tic-tac-toe ball. It comes with tons of little balls that I'm constantly tripping over around the house now. Nice!

This is a Leap Frog "My First Leap Pad" that came with several books and a backpack to carry it all in. So far, he's not too interested in it. I think it may be a few more months before he really gets into this one.

A Diego counting game. Anything Diego is a winner.

A VTech computer that has lots of different activities on it. He plays with the alphabet and numbers games, but the others are kind of advanced. They have spelling and rhyming games and all sorts of cool things on here. Tim and I are always amazed at all the things toys can do now.

A Fisher Price Doodle Pro. Now that Ethan knows his alphabet, he's starting to show an interest in writing letters and can already write a few, so he really likes this. And I like it too because I don't have to worry about crayons or markers ending up on the table, wall, or who knows where else. It came with a little travel doodle that Seth really likes.

Ethan had a Little Tikes truck that he rode daily from the time we brought him home until just about two weeks ago when it finally had it and we had to toss it in the trash. So, this CAT dump truck was a replacement. He likes it, but I can tell it doesn't take the place of his first beloved truck.