Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Seth's Birthday Presents

Seth loves rocket from "Little Einsteins", so I knew he would love this Radio Flyer rocket ride-on toy.

Another one of Seth's favorite shows is "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", so he got his very own clubhouse complete with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and the rest of the gang.

Seth saw this keyboard at Target one day and played with it the entire time we were shopping in the store. He was slightly ticked off when I made him return it to the shelf when it was time to leave the store, so I had to go back and get it for him for his birthday. His favorite part is singing and talking into the microphone, as you can tell. Do we have the next American Idol on our hands? I think so!

Thanks to our neighbor, Broedy, the boys have become obsessed with hockey, especially Seth. So, he finally got his very own hockey set.

Ethan likes playing with Legos, but they are a little too small for Seth to build with, so I got him some Mega Blocks. Much better.

Some people (you know who you are, Bruce!) gave us a hard time for getting our boys a kitchen, but they absolutley love it. My master plan is to get them to love cooking at a young age, so they can cook for me when they're teenagers and then cook for their wives one day. Can I get an amen?!

The Belgarde's got Seth Mr. Potato Head (they got him all the little spuds too-so cute!). The boys have made some interesting creations with all the different pieces.

We got Seth this fire truck because at Christmas the boys loved playing with their cousin Josiah's fire truck so much. Seth has actually barely touched it, but Ethan loves it. Go figure.

I was able to get Seth lots of books with the gift card that Granny sent to Barnes & Noble. I was so happy to get some new books, so I could stop reading all Ethan's birthday books 20 times a day. Finally, some new choices. Yeah!

1 comment:

The Silverwood Family said...

Teach those boys to cook and their future wives will love you! Looks like Seth got some really great toys too. I bet the boys are having a great time with all the new toys and books.